企业网站与商城 APP 开发:AI 助力有限,程序员地位难撼

2024年12月5日   4572   3


如今,总有人在高呼:“不是说 AI 很强嘛!已经不需要程序员了。”但事实真的如此吗?不妨让 AI 去写个企业网站,或者做个商城 APP 试一试,答案自会揭晓。

AI 固然有着令人惊叹的能力,它可以快速处理海量的数据,能够依据已有的模式和算法生成看似合理的文本内容或设计框架。当我们要求 AI 创作一个企业网站时,它或许能在瞬间给出一份页面布局的规划,列举出一些常见的板块,如公司简介、产品展示、新闻资讯等,文字表述也可能较为流畅。对于商城 APP,AI 或许也能罗列出诸如商品分类、购物车、支付系统等基本功能模块的设想。

AI certainly has amazing capabilities, as it can quickly process massive amounts of data and generate seemingly reasonable text content or design frameworks based on existing patterns and algorithms. When we ask AI to create a corporate website, it may be able to instantly provide a page layout plan, listing some common sections such as company introduction, product display, news and information, and the text expression may also be relatively smooth. For online shopping apps, AI may also be able to come up with ideas for basic functional modules such as product classification, shopping carts, and payment systems.

然而,企业网站绝非仅仅是一些板块的简单堆砌。一个优秀的企业网站需要精准地传达企业的核心价值观、独特的企业文化以及差异化的竞争优势。这需要深入了解企业的发展历程、战略目标、受众群体的心理和需求,而 AI 目前还难以做到如此深入且细腻的情感洞察与文化理解。在商城 APP 方面,虽然 AI 能规划出基本功能,但涉及到复杂的用户体验优化,如购物流程的简洁性与趣味性、界面的美观性与易用性之间的完美平衡,以及针对不同类型商品的个性化推荐算法的精准度,还有支付安全的深度保障等诸多关键环节,AI 所给出的方案往往只是浮于表面,缺乏实际落地时所需的深度和细节把控。

However, a corporate website is not just a simple stack of sections. An excellent corporate website needs to accurately convey the company’s core values, unique corporate culture, and differentiated competitive advantages. This requires a deep understanding of the company’s development history, strategic goals, and the psychology and needs of its audience, and AI is currently unable to achieve such in-depth and delicate emotional insights and cultural understanding. In terms of shopping mall apps, although AI can plan basic functions, it involves complex user experience optimization, such as the perfect balance between simplicity and fun in the shopping process, aesthetics and usability of the interface, precision in personalized recommendation algorithms for different types of products, and deep protection of payment security. The solutions provided by AI are often superficial and lack the depth and detail control required for practical implementation.

程序员则不同,他们凭借多年积累的专业知识、丰富的实践经验以及对各种技术难题的攻克能力,能够深入到代码的底层逻辑,精心雕琢每一个功能细节,确保网站和 APP 在各种复杂的网络环境和用户场景下都能稳定运行。他们可以与企业的各个部门紧密合作,将企业的真实需求准确无误地转化为可实现的技术方案,而不是像 AI 那样只能提供一般性的模板化建议。

Programmers, on the other hand, are different. With years of accumulated professional knowledge, rich practical experience, and the ability to overcome various technical difficulties, they can delve into the underlying logic of the code, carefully craft every functional detail, and ensure that websites and apps can run stably in various complex network environments and user scenarios. They can work closely with various departments of the enterprise to accurately and accurately translate the real needs of the enterprise into achievable technical solutions, rather than just providing general template suggestions like AI.

所以,在企业网站建设和商城 APP 开发领域,程序员的作用依然是不可替代的,AI 只是一个辅助工具,远未达到让程序员下岗的程度。

Therefore, in the fields of enterprise website construction and mall APP development, the role of programmers remains irreplaceable. AI is merely an auxiliary tool, and it is far from reaching the level where programmers are laid off.

The above content is an excerpt from the article “Enterprise Website and Mall APP Development: AI Assistance is Limited, Programmer Status is Difficult to Shake”.


 创建于2024年12月5日    由admin于2024年12月5日最后编辑   4572   3
